Friday, December 12, 2008

Decor Galore

Because of recent events, my holiday decorating is just getting underway. I am coming to realize that the bigger the house, the more of an undertaking. When we first got married, the tree and a few chotchkes were sufficient. Now we need two trees fully decorated, banister to be fully decked out and lots of red, green, and gold for the rest of the house to fill every empty space. All of this, while trying to keep a 2 year old away from it all. JUST LOOK, DON'T TOUCH! I have yet to invest in the shatterproof ornaments. It will be done by the end of this weekend. I hope at least. Wish me luck.

1 comment:

dxeechick said...

Good luck! I'm having a hard enough time keeping a cat out of the ornaments, let alone a kid! :)