Saturday, August 29, 2009

Run Forrest, Run

I leave for work at 6:30 am every morning so that I can get my eight hours in and come home to spend some time with the fam. Every single morning, I drive past something that makes me giggle out loud. I can't stop, I have a new addiction.

Plodding down the road, flat footed, in what looks like brand new, size 13, New Balance running shoes, in varying styles from jeans and a T-shirt to sweats that are literally hanging off of the body is an 80-85 year old man that weighs 130 lbs. soaking wet. The first time I laid eyes on this, I started to frantically scan what was around me, was he running after his dog? Was he having a heart attack and had a burst of energy, running to get help? Was he running to help someone else? NO, he is just running! I usually catch up with him at a stop light right by the Chevron and every morning, he turns his head and smiles, with his dentures gleaming and then proceeds to gallop in front of the cars at the light and go on his merry way. I am instantly overtaken with laughter.

Run Forrest, Run!!!!!

1 comment:

amy said...

That is so funny!!! lol!