Thursday, August 6, 2009

Things I have noticed lately

Here are just a few items that have come to my attention as of late;

- I am pretty sure that Mary Murphy has gotten a new stylist, she has upped the anty from Dress Barn and moved onto Deb. She really is moving up in the world of fashion. Dare I say, next stop Wet Seal! WOOT WOOT!

- Since I have started flossing my teeth regularly again, (I know, whatever, you know that you don't do it a lot either) my mouth has a slight tinge of blood to it afterward and it tastes just like the water from my Mom's hometown, Farmersville, OH. I am sure by the name alone you can imagine that the two stop light village doesn't have the best water filtration system. I will let you decide what you think about that but I am a little concerned.

- You really do have to pull all of the weeds before you hydro seed.

- My house has never been fully clean since Juli has been gone. I know, cry me a river!

- Hell's Kitchen has kind of lost its panache. I used to love to see Gordon call some fat cow a fat cow. Ramsey, you just don't have the same effect on me anymore.

- I am having trouble watching Jon and Kate now that all hell has broken loose on their marriage. Maybe, because we are all three really bad days away from where they are? Or maybe, because I am sick of watching other people take vacations over and over again that are all paid for, maybe a little of both.

- My closet is begging me for some new clothes. I should probably get him some so that he will shut up. The nagging...

- My Z goes completely limp and starts speaking in tongues when you scratch his back. Hella Funny.